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Cleaning Copper and Cobalt Stains

Q: We are an environmental services provider.  What do you recommend to remove copper and cobalt stains from pumps and flooring under a plating line?

A: To remove copper and cobalt stains from pumps and flooring with stainless steel and plastic surfaces, we would highly recommend Citranox® Liquid Acid Cleaner and Detergent, used at….

A Solution For Using An Expired Detergent Solution

Q: Is there any damage that could be caused to our parts if they were washed in the Liquinox Solution after being expired for 5 days? Would reprocessing the products in Non Expired Solution be a safe resolution? A: As discussed here, Using Expired Detergent, the cleaning in expired Liquinox detergent….


Cleaning Soda Lime Glass

Q: Our substrate is coated soda-lime glass. It is coated in indium tin oxide, and/or fluorinated tin oxide.  We are unable to remove salt/scale and would like to use detergent only and no volatile solvents.  What does Alconox Inc. recommend?

A: For cleaning residues like indium tin oxide and fluorinated tin oxide from….

Hexavalent Chrome Plated

Cleaning Mold Release from Hexavalent Chrome-Plated Parts

Q:  Looking for a non-alcohol-based cleaner to remove a mold Release from a hexavalent Chrome-plated part. What do you recommend?

A: For difficult mold release applications, we traditionally recommend high emulsifying detergents like….

CO2 incubators

Cleaning CO2 Incubators

Q: I would like to know which of Citranox or Liquinox you recommend to clean CO2 incubators inside a cleanroom environment, with particular attention to the rust that can come from the water tray. We have both detergents.

A: We recommend using hot 2% Citranox (20 mL/L or 2.5 oz/gal) to soak and possibly scrub the water trays and incubator…..


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